Be Good to You!

Hello Beautifuls!

I’m gonna start with the lil quote I read online today that sparked this whole post.

I had this in my mind all day long, as I was packing lunch/snacks for the pool, chatting with friends, and driving around town running errands.  It just kept coming to me.  As I kept hearing my inner voice tell me to be good to me, it finished with…if not you, than who?  By that I mean…if you’re not good to yourself, take care of yourself, give yourself love and acceptance…who else will?

There is a DIRECT link to how you treat yourself and how the world treats you.  If you look around and see hate, anger, blame, guilt, lying, shame, and negativity then you need to take a good look at that person in the mirror and ask yourself how you treat you!  When you start to see love, happiness, forgiveness, peace, and acceptance then you can rest easy knowing you’re doing your part.

Every week I have a moms group at my house where we talk about how to be better moms (people in general really).  One thing us moms do ALL the time is take care of EVERYONE ELSE.  We make sure everyone is ok, where they need to be with what they need to make sure everything goes ok.  We feed our kids before we even think about the last time we ate, make sure they go to bed at a decent hour without thinking about the last time we had a full nights sleep etc.  I’m ALWAYS telling them that ‘putting yourself first’ does not equal being ‘selfish’.  I usually get a couple of ‘oh yeahs’ when I say it that way.  When I tell them this, “If you don’t take care of yourself…who is going to take care of everyone once you’re gone?”  I get some people starting to kinda hyperventilate.  I then take it another step further by saying, “Do you want your children to grow up to act and feel the same way you do now?”  this usually brings some tears to their eyes.

Why is it ok for us to treat ourselves like crap for the sake of our children?  Why is it ok that society tells us it’s ‘normal’ and even ‘good’ to put aside our wants and needs to take care of our family?  This has created a society that is so out of touch with their own hearts desires and feelings and end up resenting our children over it and that resentment leads to guilt because ‘it was all for a greater cause’ right?!?  WRONG!!!  The best thing you can do is take care of yourself FOR your family!  Show your children that it’s ‘ok’ for grownups to have their hobbies and passions.  Don’t you want them to do the same when they get older?

Taking care of yourself does not mean neglecting your family to go out all day long and do whatever the crap you want because this lady said to on a blog.  Taking care of yourself is getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, moving your body, forgiving your mistakes, taking chances, laughing, playing, loving, giving, helping, creating, and so on.  Stop being so much of a grown up and start living.  Stop using the excuse of being ‘responsible’ to not get down on your hands and knees and play with your child while they still think you’re the most awesome person on the planet.  Put down your phone and actually look at your child while they’re telling you silly stories instead of cruising Facebook and reading other people’s silly stories (people you never see).

Bottom line…Be Good to You and the people around you will be good to you back.  Love yourself and those around you will love you back.  Forgive yourself and those around you will forgive you back.  Do you see the pattern?  The BEST thing you can do for yourself, your family AND this world is to be the best you that you can be…because no one else can be you and trust me if you don’t believe this, but the world needs you!  Put down the roll of martyr, grownup, responsible, civilized etc. and just start being!


Jennie Carlson


Work-it Wednesday: Game Play!

Hello Beautiful you!

Today you get to Play while you workout!  YAY!  Who said working out has to be hard or boring?  All you need is a pair of dice and your imagination.

Before you roll the dice write down a list of some exercises like lunges, squats, push-ups, sit-ups, plank, burpees, jumping jacks, high knees, mountain climbers, triceps dips, inchworm, etc.  Have a good mix of exercises between cardio and strength.  If ya wanna get all fancy you can even make a cardboard spinner with all the exercises written on then flick the pointer to see what exercise you’ll do.

Look at the list and pick an exercise then roll the dice…say you get a 1 and a 3, you can do 13 lunges or 31 seconds of cardio.  Roll a 2 and a 5 you can do 2 sets of 5 push-ups or hold plank for 25 seconds.   Say you roll the highest number 6 and 6, see if you can hold chair pose or wall sit for 1 min or do a full minute of all out cardio.

The possibilities are endless.  Just have fun and see how much you can sweat playing a game!  Please let me know how much you enjoy this by commenting below!


Jennie Carlson

Meditation Monday: Let Go of your Expectations

Hello Beautiful You!

Today you get to see me on the trampoline (and hear the cars go by in the background) for a really good reason!  It’s where my family has spent the last two nights (intro the baggy eyes) trying to catch a glimpse of the meteor showers.   Fire induced smoke and partly cloudy sky made less than perfect viewing.  However, instead of being upset that we didn’t see a single ‘shooting star’ we had fun together as a family.

Check out my video here.

Once you realize that you can’t control the outcome you can start to relax, sit back, and start to enjoy life a lil more.  The only thing you can control is your actions.  So do good and watch what comes to you (hint: it might be even better than what you expect)!


Jennie Carlson

Nutrition: Food Meditation!

Hello Beautiful You!

Today we are going to meditate on food…yes, yes you can meditate on food (anything really)!

For this exercise you need a piece of food before you start…anything works: fruit, veggie, meat, junk (lol yes you can, it’s all good)! Then watch the video below!

Please chew your food…you stomach will thank you (since it doesn’t have teeth)!

Comment below what you thought of this exercise!


Jennie Carlson

Think eating healthy has to be expensive? Think again… I got all this produce for $15.00!


Work-it Wednesday: Total Body Buster!

Hello Beautiful You!

Today you get 3 moves (don’t worry it’s full body still) so you can do this workout in a jiffy or repeat it a couple of times to get a super workout!  Please warm your body up before you workout.  Check out the video for instruction and see below for pics and descriptions of the moves!

Jack Lunges:  Where Jumping Jack meets the Lunge!

You’re arms are going to be doing the ‘Jacking’ Up and down while the legs lunge (jumping from a lunge with the right leg forward and scissoring the legs to switch you left leg forward) Do 5-10 times with right leg forward then switch it up…left leg forward and do 5-10 more (gotta keep it even)  Inhale when the arms clap overhead and exhale as you try to clap them under your leg.

Walking Plank: I’m not talking pirate here!  Get yourself in a push up position and take your right arm as far to the right as it will go.  Tap that right hand with the left and come back to center.  Take your left arm as far left as it will go and tap it with the right and return back to center.  That’s one rep!  Do this 4-9 more times for a total of 5-10!  Please Breathe while doing this…and keep the core engages so the hips don’t dip!

Inchworm:  Find yourself sitting on the ground in a ‘V-Sit’.  Make a ‘V’ from your knees to hips to shoulders keeping the abs pulled in tight.  Inhale and  lift the feet off the ground and come to a ‘Hollowman’ pose.  Exhale and pull the knees to the chest.  Repeat 15-30 times.

Do 2-3 minutes of your favorite cardio and you can check off a quickie (work-it wink wink) off your list for the day.  Have some more time?  Repeat 3-5 times and watch your fat cry!


Here’s a pocket guide



Jennie Carlson

Meditation Monday: It’s About LOVE!

Hello Beautiful You!

Welcome back I’m going to be combining yesterdays nutrition with today because I think they go hand in hand (and repetition is the best teacher)! Be warned…I get a lil emotional on this video, but I think it says it all so…enjoy! Please lemme know what you think by posting your comments below!


Jennie Carlson


Meditation Monday: False Expectations Appearing Real!

Hello Beautiful You!

Welcome back to Meditation Monday!  Last week we talked about feeling our fear and taking a step toward our goal regardless (refresher here).  This week I want to dive deeper into fear!  What is fear and what does it mean to you?

F.E.A.R = False Expectations Appearing Real!  Sometimes we’re afraid of something and we really have no reason to be.  More often than not we’re afraid of something that may, or may not, even happen (future trippin’) or something from the past that’s over with!  So I outlined a couple of steps you can take to help dig through that fear.

1. Stop

2. Step Back (get away from the situation figuritively or literally)

3. Breathe

4. Ask:  What expectations do I have and are they realistic?

5. What if anything can I do about it?

6. If you can…go do it!  If you can’t…Let It Go!



Nutrition: What’s Eating You?

Welcome BAck Beautiful You!

What’s eating you is a segment based around our feelings and our food!  Feelings can be elusive slimy lil suckers that affect everything from what we wear, where we go and, yes, even our food intake, digestion, and usage/abuse.  So what are we supposed to do about?  It’s not like you can just pin feelings to the ground and erase them…or can you?

In this video segment you’ll see different ways of dealing with our feelings so they stop eating up alive.  You homework is to continue writing down what you eat and how you feel (see last weeks blog for that info Nutrition Challenge) but add to that whether the food you ate was a ‘want’ or a ‘need’!

Happy eating! 🙂

Jennie Carlson